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Phonics at home

On this page, please find videos and resources to help your child become a confident, fluent reader in no time.

Phase 3 sounds for Reception after Christmas and Year 1

Reception Phase 2 sounds
After half term

Phase 3 sounds for Reception after Christmas and Year 1

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The parents' section of the Little Wandle website is packed with useful resources and videos

Daryeelka, Ballanqaadka, Naqshad, Kuujin, Tixgelin, Iskaashiga & Isgaadhsiinta

Nala soo xiriir


Websaytka Dugsiga Hoose ee George Dixon

Iyadoo la hayo P Baldwin & A Clifford

Telefoon - (0121) 675 2775

Wadada Magaalada


West Midlands

B17 8LE

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