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Looking after yourself


It has never been more important to make sure we are both physically and mentally well. What helps us feel well can be very individual, some people need to run around and play sport, some need to curl up with a book, play a musical instrument, listen to music, or play video-games.


Here are some resources to help you with your own mental and physical wellness. If you need any further support, you are always welcome to talk to us in school too.


There is also a series of videos to support parents too, please click here to find them.

Daryeelka, Ballanqaadka, Naqshad, Kuujin, Tixgelin, Iskaashiga & Isgaadhsiinta

Nala soo xiriir


Websaytka Dugsiga Hoose ee George Dixon

Iyadoo la hayo P Baldwin & A Clifford

Telefoon - (0121) 675 2775

Wadada Magaalada


West Midlands

B17 8LE

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